A Psychological thriller author

Unlock the Secrets that Lie Within

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Megan Dennis - Self Published Author

About Megan Dennis

Megan lives in Minnesota with her husband, two dogs, and many chickens. Her passion for reading began as a child with almost daily trips to the library with her grandma, leaving with stacks of books in hand. As she grew up this passion for reading flourished and now you can always find her with her nose lost in a book. If Megan is not reading you can find her playing with her dogs or chickens, enjoying the outdoors, or sitting around a campfire with friends and family.

Megan Dennis Signature

The Shelter's Secrets

When a young woman disappears from the shelter, it brings to the surface secrets that were once buried. When Detective David Gibson arrives at the shelter in search of the missing girl; he quickly finds out that there might be more to this shelter than what meets the eye. Evelyn’s troubled past catches up with her and Thomas’ carnal desires are exposed to the community.


The Shelter's Secrets | Front Cover

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" Auteur is a monthly book review publication distributed to 400,000 avid readers through subscribing bookstores & public libraries."

Vladimir Nabokov

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" It was a dark night, with only occasional scattered lights, glittering like stars on the plain. It flashed upon me suddenly: they were going to shoot me!"

Savanna Walker

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" Auteur is a monthly book review publication distributed to 400,000 avid readers through subscribing bookstores & public libraries."

Vladimir Nabokov

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The Shelter's Secrets